Emergency Planning
South Cambridgeshire District Council has asked Parish Councils if they could assist them with emergency planning for the district by compiling a plan for the parish. The first step is to collect information about local resources that could prove to be essential in the event of an emergency situation within the parish. The Parish Council has agreed to facilitate this as they feel that it is important that we can help in providing up to date and relevant information that may or may not be used should such a situation occur locally.
Emergencies occur every day and are usually dealt with by the appropriate emergency services or departments as a matter of routine. However, serious emergencies or major incidents require greater resources to deal with them. Local Authority Emergency Planning aims to identify supplies of resources and co-ordinate them.
The type of emergency may be natural or man-made and include major transport accidents, flooding, abnormal weather conditions such as storms, snow or drought, chemical and radioactive spillage, and disruption of essential services.
The District Council works in partnership with Cambridgeshire County Council and other authorities and organisations to provide a co-ordinated response to all types of major incident. The Police have the responsibility for overall control and co-ordination in an emergency situation and liase with Emergency Planning Officers at a very early stage. The District Council has specific responsibilities including establishing emergency centres, providing temporary accommodation for survivors and the long-term recovery of the area. They also hold information that is vital about local resources.
We are looking for people with specialist skills such as medical training, language skills, people with tractors, quad bikes, generators etc all who feel that they could be able to contribute should the event occur. We are also looking for people who could help with getting messages out to the community or can help in rest centres. All details will be kept confidentially and passed only to the District Council.
If you feel you can help please contact the Parish Clerk (Tel: 841471) or fill in the form which can be downloaded here and return it to the Parish Clerk, 8 Halatte Gardens, Great Shelford, CB22 5LE