
Parish Council

The Parish Council is the first tier of local government. Parish Council meetings normally take place on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm in the new pavilion. All meetings are open to members of the public who are welcome to attend.

Find out more about how local democracy works and who is responsible for what.

Parish Council meeting dates for 2016/17

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Return

Annual Governance Statement

Accounting Statement

GSPC Annual Return

Committee Meetings

Meeting of Highways Committee on Thursday 29th September 1830hrs in the Pavilion Agenda

All enquiries about allotments or burial plots should be made to the Parish Clerk Mike Winter Tel. 07870 807442 or 01223 504494 or by email

Mr Mike Nettleton 01223 721366/07905 356468
Vice Chairman
Mrs Bridget Hodge 01223 842553

Mr Barrie Ashurst 07803 001985
Mr Stephen Chittenden 07801 207627
Mr David Coggins 01223 842598
Mr Richard Davies 07595 339187
Mr Peter Fane 01223 843861/07802 256861
Mr Stefan Harris-Wright 01223 505570/07990 846955
Mrs Helen Harwood 01223 840393
Mrs Angela Milson 01223 841100
Mr Charlie Nightingale 01223 844763
Mr Ben Shelton 01223 841085
Revd Simon Talbott 01223 847068
Mr Malcolm Watson 01223 844901
Parish Clerk
Mr Mike Winter
7 London Road Cb22 5DB
01223 504494/ 07870 807442
email: Parish Clerk

Cemetery & Allotments
Mrs Helen Harwood
Mr Mike Nettleton
Mrs Bridget Hodge
Recreation & Pavillion
Malcolm Watson

District Councillors

Mr C Nightingale
Ben Shelton
David Whiteman-Downes

County Councillors

Dr Gail Kenney
Mr Tony Orgee

List of Parish and District Councillors

List of Committee Members, Officers and Liaison 2015/2016