Over the Hill and Back Again |
A local, easy to find, predominately dry walk, with good views and plenty of wildlife. About 6/7 miles, and walkable in 2½to 3 hours.
Pub(s) The Plough, Great Chesterford
Getting there Take the A1301 down to Stump Cross, then the B 184 towards Saffron Walden. Park on grassy verge at second turning on the left [Cow Lane], a short mile after Stump Cross roundabout.
The Walk
Walk up Cow Lane, away from the Saffron Walden road, with valley to the left.
Pass kennels, ignore the right turn, and walk on metalled road to Crave Hall Farm.
Pass through gate, onto grassy path, walk on, ignoring footpath from the right, and keep straight on up the track, which wends its way through an old farm yard, and then takes off down hill, walking towards the grain silos outside Linton.
Part way down the slope, when a substantial track goes off to the left, take a diagonal track off to the right heading towards a clump of bushes. Pass under the power cables, and almost immediately turn sharp right towards a hole in the hedge, with a waymark post. Go through the hedge, and walk forward on field edge, down to a cross hedge: turn right onto a path that goes uphill almost inside the hedge.
Follow this path [part of the Icknield Way] for about a mile and half as it goes up hill, sometimes on one side of the hedge and then on the other, passing under the power cables again , skirting a spinney , and then turning right into a farmyard where you turn sharp left, and soon hit a tarmac road. After passing a newly built house on the right look out carefully for a two plank bridge on the left, which leads out onto a cross-field path.
Take this path till it meets the road: at main road, turn right, and walk down path/verge on the far side of the road, to Cow Lane.
[Great Chesterford’s pubs are down to the left at Cow Lane]
Neither the author nor his dog accept any responsibility for accuracy or for any injury or mishap that might befall any person who follows this walk. First published by "one man and his dog" in Great Shelford Village News February 2010